
The Rise of the Knuckle-draggers' Parasites

In 1993 the gently spoken Tory PM, John Major tried to appeal to the frothing hoards massing on his party's right by claiming, "Society needs to condemn a little more and understand a little less."
It had been a tactic toyed with by politicians for years, but often too embarrassing an piece of political cutlery for many a well educated politician fearing sideways glances from club members and old school chums, but Major came from a circus background, and was unaffected by this and took his big top pleasing act still further, by trying to divert the rage of the unemployed and under-educated masses onto "traffic cones"! The newspapers wanted humiliation, tears and blood, however, and the yellow conical lumps of roadside plastic had none of these.  
Recently Farage and Boris, backed by the parasitic newspapers brought the process of appealing to the angry hoards forward by fighting a referendum built on condemnation without understanding. It made no difference that their messages were built on lies, because these messages reflected back their own prejudices and the masses liked being told that what they had heard down the pub was right all along and the educated, informed and experienced views was a load of bollocks and lies can get around the world, even on the side of a bus, before the truth has got its Lycra on.

Trump has taken Major's dictum, combined it with the American obsession with conspiracy theories and moulded a winning campaign system.

Major knew what he was doing in 1993, he understood the reasons for the anger of the workers was largely due to the Thatcher years of attack on communities but he wasn't about to try to explain that to anybody. 

The knuckle-draggers, cheered on by their parasitic media, are attempting to take control by sending "one of their own" to the White House. If he gets there, world stocks in knowledge, science and understanding will plummet, attempts to halt climate change will be delayed until it is too late and the rise of the knuckle-draggers will be complete.